The CDU politician Philipp Amthor is not a candidate for the CDU land Chairman in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This was communicated on Friday after a Meeting of the national Executive. Thus, Amthor moved and the consequences of lobbying allegations against his Person. In its place, the local politicians Michael Sack will run for the country presidency.

The 27-year-old member of the German Bundestag stands out because of his side job for an American company in the criticism. In the case of regional party of the CDU young star had received meeting, however, broad support for his candidature. Therefore, it was speculated worde, that he might hold, regardless of the criticism from his own party on the candidacy.

“Politically even more vulnerable”

Amthor described his activities for the Start-up Augustus Intelligence, in the meantime, as an error, and the cooperation he has terminated according to its own information. The granted to him stock options that he had returned. Amthor gave up his seat in the Amri Committee of inquiry. As the “mirror” reported on Friday, can Amthor also another side job for a business firm rest. He had not decided to make “politically vulnerable,” said Amthor news magazine, according to his Bundestag office.

The Opposition in the Bundestag, has criticized Amthor on Friday sharp. In one of the Left-hand applied for the Current hour, the parliamentary leader Dietmar Bartsch accused the CDU-man on Friday that he had “lost entirely the ground of liability”. He had harmed with his behavior, the policy, the Bundestag, and his home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. “How could failure in a man from the coast, the compass is the only way?” There are still many open questions, said Bartsch. “The man must at last make a clean sweep.” That he will not take part in the debate, is cowardly “really”.