According to the Corona mass outbreak in a cutting plant of the meat company, Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück in North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), including a regional Lockdown. In the district of Gütersloh, take currently in this size so far in North Rhine-Westphalia, providing unprecedented rates of infection happen to be true. Of the approximately 7000 employees in the main plant 1106 had been on the Corona-Virus tested, 803 of the Test were positive. “In comparison with other local outbreaks of very high values.” Currently, the infection could happen to be localized yet. “Should change this, it can also be a surface of the Lockdown ceiling in the Region is necessary”, said Laschet on Friday evening in Düsseldorf.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

After the Occurrence of the Virus in a Tönnies-works have been closed in the district of Gütersloh already in schools and day care centers. A Lockdown of the circle want to turn to previous figures but with these and other measures. The Events in Rheda-wiedenbrueck will be leading also, as in a burning glass, the problematic working and accommodation conditions in the meat industry.

In comparison to other Corona-outbreaks in the meat industry, the location is in the district of Gütersloh “even more difficult”. The Tönnies factory workers were in different places in accommodation in the districts of Gütersloh, Warendorf and Soest, as well as the cities of Bielefeld and Hamm housed. “So it is that the Corona onset various areas of living in the border territory achieved lower Saxony.” With a view to the wide dispersion of the places of residence of the Corona onset in the case of Tönnies mountains “is a huge pandemic risk”.