The EU’s economic sanctions against Russia will be extended due to the lack of progress in the peace process for the Eastern Ukraine to a year and a half. The heads of state and government of the European Union agreed on Friday during a video conference, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Friday.

Merkel threatened Russia in addition, as was previously the foreign Minister Heiko Maas with criminal action because of the alleged contract murder of a Georgian in Berlin. “We reserve the right reactions,” she said. The office of the attorney General had previously made to the Russian government for the homicide to be responsible and charges against the shortly after the murder, arrested suspects charged.

The EU had a trade and investment restrictions in spite of billions in losses for domestic companies, most recently in December to 31. July extended. You are now 31 to. January 2021 apply.

After a summit in Paris last December, it had given actually, after years of stagnation, the hope of progress in the peace process. Finally, the implementation of the decisions of the meeting in the so-called Normandy Format was advised but Stalled.

From the agreements so far, two prisoner exchanges between Kiev and the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk completed. Included in the Agreement a new ceasefire, as well as the establishment of three new front sections for a troop withdrawal.