At the University hospital in Tübingen has been sprayed on Friday of a young woman a dose of Vaccine for immunization against infection with the Virus Sars-CoV-2. The woman is the first Subject of a so-called Phase 1 study, with the help of the vaccine is to be tested. The Impfpräparat was developed by the tübingen-based company Curevac and is based on the “mRNA-technology”, that is, the Messenger RNA is used to provoke in the human body, an immune response.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

“The patient is monitored after the injection for 24 hours in our clinic,” said the study leader and tropical medicine Peter Kremsner of the F. A. Z., The clinic was an attempt to test the vaccine in the next two months, 144 subjects, with ten more people for the Tests in the next few weeks, you’ve already determined.

Each subject, a second injection after one month. “If the Tests have good results, could it give this Winter a provisional approval for the vaccine, then one could also begin to inoculate the first people outside of the study,” said Kremsner. The tübingen-based company also has production facilities for the manufacture of the vaccine. For participation in the vaccine trial, the test persons receive approximately 1500 euros. At the end of April, the Mainz-based company Biontech had also started a vaccine trial.