The Post wants to reward its employees. This Thursday, the management has indicated to its staff that all those who have worked from 16 march to 31 may 2020 would receive a bonus up to 300 euros. A gift intended “to 120.000 postal workers mobilized in the field during the health crisis,” said France Info, which has revealed the information.

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“This bonus applies to all of the postal workers who have worked during the crisis in an operational manner, regardless of the branch, alternating with the commission, but also in the interim,” explains the direction of the Figaro. Up to 300 euros, “it is calculated as a function of time of presence during the weeks of confinement”, she says.

This is where the bat hurts the eyes of some. The trade union Sud PTT denounces the too large number of employees are ineligible for this bonus. In fact, all those who have ceased to work because of illness or child not touch it. Same for those who left the company before the month of August, on which date it will be paid, and, even if they have worked for the containment, advanced Eddy Talbot, a member of the federal bureau of sud PTT : “All those who are no longer part of the company because their contract came to an end, or because they are retiring before between-time will have nothing regardless of their time of presence between march and may,” he says. “We used the CDD and the acting in conditions where safety was not always guaranteed, there has been pressure management including for the rights of withdrawals, we don’t renew their contracts and in addition, they do not have the right to the premium,” says-t it.

An amount that is too low

another eligibility criterion is gnash the teeth of the union : the employee concerned must have worked for at least six weeks to reach the minimum of the premium. “So if you worked five weeks, it is zero,” says Eddy Talbo. Too many employees are excluded and a low amount, adds the union had asked the management the payment of a bonus of 1000 euros, as had been encouraged to Bruno Le Maire in march last. The minister of Economics had invited the companies to pay a bonus of 1000 euros défiscalisée and loose with their employees travelling to their place of work.

If the Post office refuses to comment on the unions ‘ criticism, and confirms that the payment of the bonus is conditioned to the presence of the employees during the containment, it nonetheless wishes to underline that the employed persons who have ceased their activity because of illness or custody of children have received their full salary during the whole time of their absence.

The editorial team conseilleDéconfinement : the relay and post offices face a flood of colisLa gendarmerie strengthens the security of the network postalPrivées premium Covid, the federations of home-help scream”injustice”143 commentairesJosé Bobole 19/06/2020 at 11:33 am

The behavior of the employees of the Post office for this containment has been a scandal. The distribution of the mail was interrupted for two months and is still not restored ! And these loafers trouillards would like more than one reward ?

géniusle 19/06/2020 at 11:24 am

no scruples………

Graphomane indignéle 19/06/2020 at 11:21 am

I am waiting with impatience that the private sector seizes this niche. And that these officials-here, see what it’s like to lose his job for repeated absences, lack of attendance, I foutisme and disrespect to the customers.

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