From a quick agreement with the EU-States onto a Corona-reconstruction plan would benefit, according to the German chamber of industry and Commerce day (DIHK), Germany. “Just for the export-oriented German economy, it is important that the member States quickly eliminate their differences on the funding of the future”, said DIHK President Eric Schweitzer in front of the EU video summit on Friday. No country will come alone out of the crisis and many companies in Europe are linked via value chains to each other.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her EU counterparts will meet on Friday for the first time, a proposed recovery plan to address the Corona economic crisis. The EU Commission had proposed in may, a loan financed by the 750-billion-Euro program, the money will go partly as grants and partly as loans to the EU countries. However, 27 States are in many of the questions still in dispute. The building program is expected to be negotiated in the package with the seven-year EU financial framework as of 2021. A rapid agreement is excluded. You should be in a physical summit in July achieved.