After the loosening of the Corona-regulations, gyms and training places are visited again. However, not everyone wants to get rid of the home office-times futterten Kilos with complex devices or in the presence of spectators. Since the handle for the skipping rope provides.

Alexander Davydov

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

“The Jump with the rope or Rope Skipping is ideal to keep the whole body fit. Ten minutes is enough to burn around 150 calories,“ says fitness trainer Mira Waterkotte. With proper use, the upright posture, coordination and balance in addition to the endurance training, as well as the leg muscles strengthened.

the rope is a full body workout is jump. The exercise of a very natural human behavior benefits according to Waterkotte: “If you are leading an activity in which a man has fun, then it jumps up anyway. The endorphins releases with us often. It is immediately mood better. As we know from Festivals or if in football, a goal is scored.“

Also Mira Waterkotte can look back on a successful sporting career. Since her twelfth year, the jump rope expert on the stage. Six years in a row the Frankfurt won the German Championships and represented the country at several European and world Championships. In the meantime, Waterkotte as an artist and a licensed trainer demonstrated on Shows, seminars, and in Online courses, what are the possibilities of the minimalist sports equipment to beginners offers. “I am pleased that you can stay in the Sport with new Tricks, even after a long time still creative.” On Instagram and Youtube, several thousand of loyal Fans follow regularly water kottes instructions – be it new Hüpfkombinationen or minimalist endurance training in times of social Isolation.