we Were us now, for once, not entirely stupid, and asked, what is a steam machine, they told us probably that it was a large, round, black space with two holes. To come the a the steam, which it did with the others, were told that we later. But for steam machines, we are not interested in us. Rather: What is a load Fund? This is a pane of glass, over which is drawn, what we have chosen in the Store, and schwuppsdiwupps be transformed dozens of black bars in Figures, from which a sum is calculated, which is also deducted schwuppsdiwupps in Euro to our Bank account, that even do not have time to call “objection, Your honor!”. Which is why it is hardly a does.

not entered

This are sometimes at the supermarket checkout, nor the regular prices, although on the shelves long in bright colours, the special lights. “The had not yet been entered”, in industry jargon, is the explanation. Or is it the cashier pulls the yogurt Cup twice on the magic eye, which is always quite sure it was a Mistake, although in the Internet there is a persistent rumour that some employees would be obliged to do so. It happens that a cheap bulb is calculated as the ginger. And it is that a cashier does not slip during manual Typing the comma. So I should pay even more than fifty Euro for three, four bags on the conveyor belt, what appeared to me to be exaggerated, but all of the bystanders Housewives encouraged, on the distance of the men omit, and how hard you are with your money the house hold would need. You should be careful, however, when you Pay better, I wanted to call out to you, in turn, price subtracted but only quickly 45,70 euros from the total, and adopted me.

head count worth

That head is worth to expect, explains to children the best, on the basis of such examples. And the excuse for all of the cashier and the cashier adds, of course, that they were only men. But what if you are up against a machine? Then, the calculator in the phone helps, as this Time, because on the receipt in the case of Rewe all products, including prices, are correctly listed, but the Fund when you Add a mistake and a fantasy number calculated. Just as elementary school students rates are sometimes the result of simple. Huge the difference was, a good six per cent, with the principle used, the result would be, of course, not a bad additional income. The seller had previously, in the markets filed Yes never too much metal from the Weights of their scales. Of such conspiracy theories the store Manager wanted to hear, of course, nothing, and was already reaching for the small money. “How much do you get out?” As the Problem is resolved. It is quite different: What is the impact on us if the computer can no longer expect? The extreme case of painted film Director Stanley Kubrick, when he was in the black hole of endless space brain HAL only “Hänschen klein” be great to sing. And possibly much steam comes in at Rewe soon from the second hole.