The payment processor Wirecard has confirmed in connection with the multibillion-dollar ambiguities in the balance sheet, he saw as potential fraud victims. “It can currently not be excluded that Wirecard AG is in a case of fraud on a considerable scale to the Injured party,” says CEO Markus Braun in a online Video published to the group, pointed out in the night to Friday by sending a message.

On Thursday, Wirecard had once again postponed the release of the long awaited annual financial statements for 2019. The auditor and EY informed the company about it, “a confirmation notice for the financial statements for the fiscal year 2019 confirmations due to unauthorized Bank further audit procedures requires that,” brown in the Video once again.

With the completion of brown and his financial Director Alexander von Knoop wanted on the Thursday before the Public. Now both of them can actually back it says behind his Hand from the environment of the group.

more Specifically, it is about the fact that the auditors from EY have found no evidence of the existence of deposits over EUR 1.9 billion in the case of two Asian banks, such as Wirecard announced on Thursday. The amount corresponds to a quarter of the balance sheet total. The stock declined by more than 60 percent.

Wirecard see yourself as a potential victim of a “gigantic fraud”, had said a company spokesperson on Thursday. The group intends to file a report against Unknown.