If the unions wonder why their retention in the company is much smaller than years and decades ago, so you can be helped: because they are too often too far away from the life. The most recent example: Due to the Corona-crisis, the Hessian state government has allowed shops to open on Sunday.

this was Meant for the supermarkets, when they were assailed in the first weeks of the pandemic, but have not used it at all. Instead, the large furniture houses have this unhoped-recognized possibility, a number of them are open now for weeks, on a Sunday afternoon.

something the trade Union Verdi called from hard-to-follow reasons of “trade Union” may not rest. It’s against this scheme legally. The organization thus continuing for years, with remarkable doggedness led the fight against sales opportunities on Sundays, in the you some of the successes achieved, before the court, as well as in the policy. The black-green state government has not dared in any case, to facilitate the approval of sales open Sundays.

The Sunday rest is not in danger

Verdi from the use against ordinary Sunday openings are always suspected to help cause the large of the Internet shippers to the detriment of the local retail trade in all its width, so she is now fighting against a single, medium-sized industry. The furniture of the houses had to remain like most of the other shops on weeks closed, you now have the opportunity, through additional Openings on Sundays, at least make up a part of the first lost revenues.

no one can seriously claim that the Sunday rest is in danger. No one has to drive to the furniture stores. And of course this can be not a permanent solution, even if the industry is to be hoped that the exemption applies, at least in the second half of the year, if the lowered VAT creates an additional incentive to buy.