The Corona pandemic had temporarily forced the Turkish army to a standstill. Since this week, the break for the Turkish soldiers, however, terminated. The easing of restrictions in the country coupled with air attacks against is targets in Northern Iraq on Monday, and an on-Board offensive, which began on Wednesday. While the fighter planes have invaded 193 kilometers deep into Iraqi territory, are on Turkish ground troops 15 kilometers from the border.

Rainer Hermann

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

the objectives of the Ministry are, according to the Turkish defense positions of the outlawed PKK; in the night of Monday, 81 positions were and corner of the PKK fossils have been destroyed. In Parallel, the political pressure on the HDP is increasing, the political voice of the Turkish Kurds. Because solid of the Turkish security forces hinder the “democracy March” of officials and voters to the HDP. They are protesting the March, which began on Monday, against the increasing persecution of the HDP in Turkey.

Just a few days after the visit of the Turkish heads of intelligence Hakan Fidan in Baghdad on Monday night, Turkish fighter planes of type F-16 and combat drones positions of the PKK would have bombed. In particular, the defense Ministry called the Kandil mountains, the traditional headquarters of the PKK, as well as regions such as Sinjar, the settlement area of the Yazidis, the Zap-level, or the Region of Avasin-Basyan.

Turkey speaks of the legitimate right to self-defense

Condemned the attacks, the Arab League and Iraq. The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmad Abu al-Ghaith, spoke in Cairo of an attack on the sovereignty of Iraq; the Turkish military intervention in Iraq, in Syria and in Libya are reason for concern. The Iraqi General staff in Baghdad, described the violation of Iraqi airspace as a “provocation” and condemned the bombing of the refugee camp Machmur and char. Kurdish sources claim that the air strikes in the Sinjar Region Are also a hospital had been destroyed.

In the refugee camp Machmur, which is under the protection of the United Nations, life of 12,000 Kurdish refugees. In the camp of char Are waiting to be Kurdish Yezidis, who are, in their ancestral home of Sinjar to the mountains in return of which they had expelled 2014, the “Islamic state” (IS). Militias close to the PKK, and the PKK had contributed decisively to save the Yazidis a genocide by the IS. Since then, still 300,000 of them are refugees. You don’t accuse the Iraqi government to do enough for the reconstruction of their by the IS of destroyed cities.