Amiens, the capital of the old Northern French province of Picardy, celebrates 2020 for the eight-hundredth anniversary of the laying of the Foundation stone of its Gothic Cathedral. Especially in the summer – and it was on the way to the coast – attracts imposing structure many visitors to the University city. With its Maison de Jules

Verne, she also attracts the reader of fantastic literature. Now to painting, interested Amiens can put back on your travel plans. After several years of closure, the Musée de Picardie has now opened again. It was inaugurated in 1867 by Emperor Napoleon III, but came into municipal ownership, and has long been regarded as one of the major art museums in the country.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the first French museums in the 1800’s, the nationalised Palace of the nobility and the clergy were accommodated. In contrast, the Musée de Picardie was able to obtain a for the first time as a Museum designed, 1855 to 1865-built building with a representative Front. It has a rich history and wore the appropriate traces of it: the elimination of damages of war in 1870/71 and 1914/1918, the evacuation of the collection from 1939 to 1945, but also two extensions before 1930. Therefore, already in the eighties overdue renovation had taken place. In recent times the court of honour have been designed in front of the Museum, the facades cleaned, the roofs composed of extended still to small sized construction, and a new entrance area was created. The visitors many of the works of a rich permanent collection, to be expected on three levels.

Many of the works fresh

restored In the brick vaults of the basement relics of the early time and ancient times is shown. Here is a reminder of the early inhabitants of the city, the Gauls and the Romans, when Amiens was still called Samarobriva, so bridge on the Somme. This river leads past Abbeville, up to the Baie de Somme, the Bay at Saint-Valery and Le Crotoy and the core of a culture represents the landscape, which was flowering in the middle ages and the early modern period, their high.

The course of the Museum visit the Region’s magnificent ornamented capitals and sculptures from the former Abbey and parish churches in controls. Of the local Cathedral, during the two world wars, but also in the Revolution of 1789 had suffered, comes sculpture facade of the Royal gallery of your West and from the archive to your main portal Olten. The pieces by the architect and monument conservator Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, make sure in the nineteenth century and at the Kathedralbau by replicas to replace him.

the view to the production of the Region will remain in the following rooms, however, he expands total French, Yes European. The will, especially in the paintings galleries significantly, with late medieval painting. Here are pen pictures of the sixteenth century from the Cathedral are to be seen, so-called “Puys” (the “Mays” of the Paris Notre-Dame comparable), some still with original carved oak frames, but also works of Dutch, Flemish, Italian and French painters, as they are known from the great European art museums. Much of it has been freshly restored.

No unproblematic environment

The very values collection is on the activities of a local learned society, and citizenship. This fantastic single pieces, such as a Frans Hals, seemingly effortlessly, executed ejected portrait of a Pastor, a caravaggeskes self-portrait of Simon Vouet’s or boys ‘ portraits of Louis Tocqué, and Louis-Roland Trinquesse. Simply gorgeous, a “Moses with the law tables” by Philippe de Champaigne. A very special Ensemble represent nine exotic hunting scenes, which were incurred for the private apartments of Louis XV at Versailles. Here are six painters, including François Boucher will show how you can Catch and Killing of a crocodile, a leopard or an ostrich to imagine. Well Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Hubert Robert and other famous names are represented. In contrast, the virtuosic intensity, is in white marble carved bust of an Unknown with allonge wig in the write-up.