The Democrats in the us Congress have submitted a bill to prevent the President, Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of troops from Germany. Eliot Engel from the house of representatives, and Senator Bob Menendez introduced the draft on Thursday. This would be the use of state funds for a troop reduction in Europe, without the consent of the Congress to prohibit. “The disastrous decision of President Trump, thousands of soldiers from Germany to be deducted and the top of the armed border, to reduce forces there, threatens our national security,” said angel. “Our bill will prevent the government in the implementation of this disastrous policy.”

Trump announced on Monday, about 9500 soldiers from Germany to deduct, and to reduce the troops contingent to 25,000. He accused the Federal government, its Nato commitments and too little on defense spending. In addition, Germany to the United States in trade matters bad.

the experts have explained, in view of the resentment also Trumps the Republicans in Congress on the Plan is unclear whether the President can enforce the reduction actually. The Federal government has rejected trump’s criticism of Germany’s contribution to Nato. Poland hopes, however, to be able to a part of the American troops from Germany.