With one of the Central evidence of the process to the murder of Walter Lübcke has been continued. In the higher regional court (OLG) of Frankfurt, was shown on Thursday a video recording of the first, meanwhile, revoked confession of the main suspect, Stephan e.. Therein, the defendant talks about how he got in 2010 from the extreme right-wing scene averted. However, foreign infiltration fears and, finally, the refugee crisis in 2015 would have him radicalized again, he depicted the Interrogators.

A new work colleague and old Acquaintance from the right-wing scene played according to E. a crucial role, and because of aid to murder a co-defendant, Markus H. About him, said E. in the Video, but also: “You can’t make this Person the accusation that you put me up to anything. What I did, I did out of a private drive.“ To the Crime, and the murder of Lübcke, it was not in the first part of the Thursday in the courtroom pre-played Videos. In the afternoon, other parts should be shown.

E. had confessed after his arrest. Later, he recanted it. Frank Hannig, defender of E., criticized the use of Videos as evidence: “It is not not come about in a lawful manner, it is complete.” As E. was at that time exhausted, had been under the influence of a sedative. A long preliminary discussion of the confession had not been documented.

E. must be responsible for since Tuesday as the suspected main perpetrators before the court of appeal. According to the indictment, he killed the CDU politician Lübcke from right-wing extremist motives. He died in the night of 1. on the 2. June 2019 on the terrace of his residential building in the North of Hesse by a shot to the head. His family was also on the second Day of the trial in the court present.

the screening of The Videos was preceded by numerous legal skirmishes between the defenders and the presiding judge Thomas sagebiel. The occasion of a Speech on the first Day of the trial was, as Biel sage explained to the defendant E. the advantages of a confession. He said: “Listen to your defence, listen to me.” Mustafa Kaplan, one of the lawyers from the E., founded a new bias on the part of the request that it go to the court apparently about to create hatred between the defendant and his defenders.