In a red T-Shirt fits Stephan E. in front of the Interrogators, the hands he has folded in front of you on the table. “I was stunned, really emotionally charged,” he says. According to the citizens ‘ Assembly had decided that “a man must do something,” says E. and Markus, H., his friend from the extreme right-wing comradeship scene.

Marlene Grunert

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

It is the second day of the trial in the murder of Walter Lübcke. In room 165 C of the higher regional court of Frankfurt a screen is shut down, is shown for the process of decision Video: The first in-depth interrogation of the main accused. e., where the Federal government accuses lawyers, Kassel, government President on the night of the 2. To June 2019 insidious and ulterior motives, murdered. According to the indictment, E., “a right-wing extremist hatred was”. Markus H. to have provided aid to the murder.

the Video from the 25. June of last year, to see a man and hear of the extreme right-wing ideology is penetrated. Tried according to their own information, since 2010, to leave the extreme right-wing scene, in order to lead “as a part of society,” a middle-class life. The racist ideology, but never released; by 2013, this “door was open”. Since the refugee crisis in 2015, as Germany “of foreigners flooded had been,” began e., to arm, to, as he describes it, in the event of a “civil war” to protect.

The citizen’s Assembly, which took place in the autumn of 2015 in Lohfelden, referred to e. in the four-hour Video as a “key experience”. Walter Lübcke announced the establishment of a refugee accommodation. As to him from the audience resistance to beat, he defended the refugee policy of the Federal government with the words: “is it worth It to live in this country. Because you have to stand up for values, and who represents these values, it is time to leave this country, if he agrees. This is the freedom of every German.“

“It has not let me go”

had From that Moment on, he had Walter Lübcke “on the screen,” says E. “I got hatred.” What exactly you have cover with want company, to be to him and not to have been clear by this point, only that it was something to do: The house of Lübcke time complaining, or “a violent act” of committing. “The thing,” I started to work in it. “This has not let me go,” says E. shortly after the meeting, he had researched Lübckes address. The defendant speaks calmly, acts in a concentrated and extremely detailed information. It acts neither as he was sedated, so he was under external pressure, as his defenders later say.

The new year’s eve night in Cologne, describes E. as a further “key-event”. He had been “beside themselves”, “totally upset,” says self, to have a idea of loss of control of “clean” increased. Screaming, he was dragged through the streets and torn down the election posters of the SPD and the Greens.