there is Nothing better than a plan of massive investment to revive the economy after a major crisis. Especially if it is green, argues the international energy Agency (IEA). The organization based in Paris was unveiled on Thursday a plan to boost energy post – Covid 19 of 1000 billion dollars per year for three years, designed in partnership with the IMF. Such an investment, which represents only 0.7% of global GDP, would help to accelerate the growth of 1.1 percentage point and save or create up to 9 million jobs per year. At the same time, CO2 emissions and pollution would be reduced, while a large share of the poor population would gain access to electricity.

Extend the nuclear power plants

The progarmme of the agency, an affiliate of the Organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD), focuses on thirty themes, ranging from the extension of nuclear power plants – “a topic that France should dig” – for the development of the hydrogen through the increase of clean vehicles or sober. With three key points: the development of renewable energy such as solar, energy efficiency, notably in the habitat, and improvement of electrical networks.

“A future of cleaner energy, just and secure is at hand,” says Fatih Birol, who hopes to convince a “grand coalition” of ministers, bosses, investors, and other decision-makers”, especially on the occasion of the international summit on the energy transitions that will take place on 9 July. “Governments have the rare opportunity to kick-start their economies and employment, while accelerating the transition towards an energy future which is more resilient and more clean,” he says. The european Union, with its Covenant green, intends to use this opportunity. But, while energy investments have recorded a historic fall by 2020 due to the new coronavirus, the IEA notes that the stimulus plans announced, focused on the economy and health, are still few place-specific energy.

see also : “Germany should get out of coal rather than nuclear power”

As often, the IEA has been criticized after the publication of its plan by NGOS specialised in the defence of the environment. “The report is overly obsessed with housekeeping and all forms of energy and made the impasse on the required output of hydrocarbons”. Furthermore, the recommendations of the IEA are “still not fully aligned with the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C”, have estimated Oil Change International and Reclaim Finance.

The editorial team conseilleLes energy investments are falling libreCoronavirus: historic fall of CO2 emissions in the énergieSans the nuclear, the objectives of the green electricity are out of portéeSujetsFatih BirolAIEAgence international énergiePib MondialÉnergie verteRelanceCovid 19Aucun comment

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