The campaigns to one of the seats often take years and cost a lot of money, but since Wednesday, four of the five countries, the move in the security Council of the United Nations: From January to India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway for two years will be part of the body can Express as the only legally binding resolutions for the 193 UN member States.

is Still open a fifth seat. Kenya came at the time of the vote in New York on the first ballot 113 votes, Djibouti to 78. Both countries have the necessary Two-thirds majority missed the mark with this. On Thursday there is to be a further ballot.

is certain, though, that Canada’s candidacy with 108 votes was unsuccessful. Instead, prevailed in the battle for two open positions in the group “Western Europe and Others” Norway, with 130, and Ireland, with 128 votes. In this group the votes of 191 valid votes 128 Votes were exactly the necessary Quorum.

a defeat for Trudeau

For the North American country, it was after a defeat in 2010, the second failed campaign within a few years. The vote is also regarded as a defeat for Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, had already announced in Canada’s 2015 election campaign, a seat on the Board to aim for.

Recently, the security Council, for his indecisive attitude in the Corona-crisis, had been criticized because of the Veto powers with a permanent seat, America, Russia, China, Britain and France, not on a common line some were.

The security Council consists of 15 Nations, five are permanent members ten are chosen for two years in the panel. Annually, five of them new. The best result of the election had arrived, this Time Mexico with 187 votes, India on 184 votes.

Currently is also represented Germany in the security Council. The Federal Republic of Germany but it is being replaced as well as Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and South Africa. For Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent, Tunisia, and Vietnam membership in January 2022 ends.