“food sovereignty is The priority”. Guest this Thursday morning on Public Senate, the Agriculture minister Didier Guillaume has recognized that the crisis of the sars coronavirus had put the food chain under tension. Now there is a need, according to him, think again.

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“Mid-march, we were afraid that the food chain does not take. I can understand the fear of our fellow citizens who flocked to the supermarket to buy pasta, chocolate paste… They had fear of missing out. Yet these are young people, who have never known war”, and who have therefore never experienced a true shortage, argued Didier Guillaume. “But the production line has held. It has allowed to eat the French, it allowed them to rediscover the French products, to realize that they are good”.

“Patriotism food”

Fervent defender of “patriotism” food, Didier Guillaume sees in this crisis an opportunity to rethink the circuits of production. “We will organise a major conference on food sovereignty at the back”, he said. A conference that would be held with the european partners of France, “the scale (to which) we can move forward”, “the end of September or beginning of October”. “We will say what are the priorities, what France should be, sovereign.”

Didier Guillaume does not deny that the “patriotism” food will have an impact on the wallet of the French. “Yes, the French products are more expensive. They are more expensive than the Spanish products, they are more expensive than German products, because Germany uses more of posted workers, he says, continuing: it is more expensive to eat French, but it creates employment. And our products are excellent in taste”.

The government would like that France wins in the sovereignty relating to its supply of plant proteins. In 2017, according to the latest available figures, France imported 3.5 million tons of soy, in the form of oil or meal (for feeding livestock), according to the un Comtrade, agency of the united Nations.

“crop Insurance”

The food production chain, French has held during the crisis, but it has, nevertheless, suffered. “Today I can say that all sectors are supported, said Didier Guillaume. We are going to implement a crop insurance system for agriculture. Today there are so many vagaries of the weather. The State can no longer provide for all. I hope that by the end of the year it is put in place”. It will be an “insurance generalized, shared, to secure the farmers and the producers.”

read also : The return of the food “made in France”

Finally, the minister of Agriculture has said that he is in favour of free trade treaties in the future be redesigned and include an “exception agricultural exception” food for that”on trade, not agriculture, rockets and aircraft,”.

The editorial suggests”It is important to buy French,” says the minister of the AgricultureL’urban agriculture hustled by the coronavirusAucun comment

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