The domäne in Wiesbaden-erbenheim might in perspective be the only location of the Wiesbaden youth workshop WJW. This is a Consideration that is based on the “tag concept” of the highly loss-making, non-profit educational institution. A concept that is not yet formulated in conclusion, the chief social Affairs officer Christoph Manjura (SPD) and the managing Director, Werner Backes, however, have presented the Supervisory Board, the Committee on the environment in its basic features already. So far, the youth workshop in four locations. It is the site of a municipal training centre for disadvantaged youth and the unemployed, as well as the operator of a certified organic farm on the 185-acre domäne, for the Wiesbaden citizens at the same time, a popular excursion destination and a sought-after shopping.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

But as it is, it can not be left. For a career in agriculture, only a few of the 400 trainees of the youth workshop, offering a total of around 30 career fields of interest. The attitude of, at times, up to 650 cattle and about 800 pigs and a few thousand chickens, even horses, and sometimes goats, has led in the past to an annual deficit of around two million euros. And, although the operation of an organic farm for the achievement of the statutory aims according to the Manjura more “subordinate” is.

Manjura also refers to the Hessian municipal code, according to which the city should actually not be economically operated if the “purpose will not be fulfilled equally well and economically by a private third party or can be fulfilled”. This is true on a local farm. The youth workshop press in addition, high depreciation, rental and staff costs, although more than 200 employees, the collective content of other companies in municipal ownership, which is a regular occasion for tough political clashes.

animal husbandry captive

The concept of Manjura and Backes in front of the country’s welfare Association leased alley Bacher Hof in Idstein with the expensive leased-in and far from Mechtild Hausen-lying pasture away areas in the Taunus finally give up. A sale the store is already closed. And also from the Hofgut Klarenthal you want to separate, though for the renovation of which is already 3.75 million euros have been approved.