The new “Corona-Warning-App”of the Robert Koch Institute is more better, the more people you download to your mobile phone. However, early criticism was that many owners of older Smartphones were excluded from the use of the application, because their phones are technically not ready. After all have been downloaded in almost two days already, eight million people, the “Corona-Warning-App”. The question remains: How much is there?

Kim-Björn Becker

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

An exact number, how many people can use the application in Germany, does not exist. However, it is possible, the order of magnitude at least narrow it down. DieInitiative “European Information Technology Observatory” (EITO) evaluates the European digital market on a regular basis. According to her, in 2017 and 2018 were sold almost 23 million Smartphones in Germany for the past year, the EITO is also expecting with 23 million devices this year, the same order of magnitude is predicted. That is not to say however, something about how many people in Germany have a Smartphone – after all, companies don’t make many of your employees on a single device, workers rarely have two phones. To the number of possible Warning App closer to the user, it takes another measurement. And the there are. According to a survey that, among other things, the digital Association Bitkom was involved, were the past year, 57.7 million people in Germany are Smartphone users.