Car accidents are life-altering events that result in both minor and lethal injuries and extensive property and vehicle damages. The expenses following a collision can reach astronomical prices, which is why it’s so important for victims to exercise their rights to pursue compensation. Although it can be intimidating to file a lawsuit due to the legal fees and case delays, it is crucial to your ability, as the victim, to experience a peaceful recovery. If you have recently been T-boned in a car accident, you may be facing unique expenses concerning the repair of your vehicle as well. An experienced Dallas T-bone accident attorney at Reyes Law will help inform you more about your rights and work with you to obtain compensation following your accident.

What to Be Aware of Following a T-bone Car Accident

T-bone car accidents are some of the deadliest types of collisions anyone can experience. Studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have revealed that approximately 8,000 lose their lives to T-bone collisions every year. These incidences are especially deadly for children, as the impact strikes almost directly into the passengers. There is no hood, bumper, or other built-in protection measures to protect the passengers from the blow, leaving the body to absorb the energy of the impact, rather than the vehicle. These incidents have increased by about 20% in the past two decades, primarily as a result of speeding and more SUVs on the road.

These types of collisions are also highly unique as they can potentially result in much greater damages to all vehicles involved. Because of the site of impact, there is almost no protection mechanism for the vehicle being struck, resulting in a higher potential of a total loss than if the car were to be hit in the front or back. All these possibilities will leave you, the victim, with incomprehensible costs related to medical expenses and repairs or replacement. Not to mention the psychological and emotional trauma caused by any wrongful deaths that occurred. You have the right to pursue legal action with the help of an attorney for all of these damages.

Your Rights Following a T-Bone Car Accident

The negligent party can be held responsible for covering costs related to:

  • Bodily injury. These accidents often result in:
    • Fractures
    • Burns
    • Paralysis
    • Damage to internal organs
    • Loss of limbs
    • Brain injury
    • Back and spinal cord injury
  • Funeral and burial costs for wrongful death
  • Pain and suffering
  • Vehicle repairs (or payout for a total loss)
  • Lost wages (you may be unable to return to work in the same capacity as a result of your injuries)

As you pursue legal action, make sure to exercise your right to an attorney. This is not a fight you should take on alone. A successful case is only made secure with ample evidence to demonstrate the negligence of the guilty party, and thorough documentation can be challenging to collect on your own. Get in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney today to initiate your case for compensation.