Since June 15, the metropolitan France is fully placed in the green area. In Île-de-France, one of the last areas to still be in the orange a few days ago, the reopening of the dining rooms is now possible. The theatres and can accommodate new public provided you comply with the actions barriers.

And what of the Music Festival and its traditional celebrations in the open air? “Concerts will take place in licensed venues to accommodate the public in the observance of sanitary rules under the responsibility of the leader of the place and in the open air under the responsibility of the organiser with respect of distanciations physical (without) to create chaos to close”, has detailed the ministry of Culture in a press release.

read also : Concerts, theatres, festivals… The live performance demands an end to the estrangement

in addition, the gatherings “of more than 10 people are still not allowed on the public domain, concerts, spontaneous are not allowed,” recalls the ministry. “Nevertheless, the events on the public highway may be the subject of a derogation”, with a “the prior authorization of the prefect of the department, in liaison with the Mayor,” can one still read.

For bars, cafes and restaurants, “the organization of concerts is the responsibility of the operator of the place: they are not recommended, as they are likely to generate rallies uncontrolled on the public way,” insists the ministry. Health concerns and distancing will give the “the” of the Celebration of the Music, which should be “solidarity and digital” this year, according to the terms of the government. An update on the planned initiatives everywhere in France this Sunday.

A tribute to the nursing staff

To “greet all carers, concerts reserved for patients and carers and their families will be organized in hospitals” in several regions including the Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, Normandy, and the Big one Is, with artists such as Tim Dup, Cyril Mokaiesh, or Angelique Kidjo.

Jean-Michel Jarre will present Alone together at 21: 30, a “concert in virtual reality” in his studio, during which it “may be simultaneously present in the form of an avatar” in front of “an audience of avatars in the world”. A performance streamed on the YouTube channels of the ministry of Culture and the star.