in The signatures to the birth stations of the four clinics. Because that’s where it was for many years customary, and that the newborn girl as the city’s welcome gift-a Onesie with the Emblem of the 1. FFC Frankfurt and the young one with the Eintracht eagles get. Since Tuesday evening, it is established that from 1. July to be wrapped in all the little new citizens in Eintracht colours. The members of the management Board of the club have signed since months, prepared by the merger agreement, the FFC is in the Concord. Manager Siegfried Dietrich was taken of this Moment on Tuesday night, as his “life’s work in safe, professional driving had been brought water,” he said.

It has been more than received two years that the women’s game-makers of the harmony tips has not been more consulted only with his merger proposal, but signals to start the project. The creation of a women’s football the centre to release its first-team from the sporting fate of the FFC, its seasons in the Bundesliga midfield to be stuck. The times, in which Dietrich with effort presented a Budget of 1.6 million euros on the legs and top teams such as VfL Wolfsburg and Bayern Munich, it attracted are over. “The new alignment brings with it new objectives. We want to continue to call waiting at the top,“ says Dietrich.

Weighty dowry

Even if the new Partner is a body to aspire and not of immediate large injections of capital angefachtes growth is to flourish, the new women’s football Department of the Concord in the new season sporty. The declared goal League rank three, which will entitle in the season 2020/21 for the first time for the participation in the Champions League. The FFC had in Frankfurt to an “outstanding location for national and international women’s football,” said the Eintracht Board member Axel Hellmann. To get “this in a changed competitive environment, we see it for Frankfurt, but also for the German top football of women as an important task.”

The bride FFC brings a considerable dowry into the marriage: it ranges from the for the Concord Museum is certainly interesting Cup collection with seven German championship titles, eight Cup wins and four European Cup instead of on the smart home, the stadium in Brentanobad, over the network from decades in the (international) women’s football to a viable Team. Including the Sophia small Herne (20 years old) and Laura free gear (22), two German internationals, as well as with Sjoeke Nüssken, Tanja Pawollek, Janina Hechler and Shekiera Martinez young Actors, which this way is also impossible.