Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey went under the advertising faces. The SPD politician is in addition to the actor Benno Fürmann part of a campaign for the Internet portal “Nebenan.de”. It advertises the company on the Radio, in TV commercials and in Videos on social networks. Now, the Ministerial use, however, for the surprise and also for an examination of the media institution Berlin-Brandenburg (MABB).

Jan Hauser

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Critical of the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR) is on the case. The Chairman, Lars Rademacher see how Giffey as a Minister for commitment in the vicinity to portals such as “Nebenan.de” pronounce and, more specifically, a telephone number is called, all without an Internet connection can report. The verdict: This may give the impression that the Minister, advertising directly for a particular service. “Minister Franziska Giffey at risk the Reputation of their office, because it is not clear whether their self-these relationships are clear,” said Rademacher, the F. A. Z.

If the Minister advertise for a company, this is unusual and stands fast in the critique. Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU) had to listen to just some of it, because she was in a cooking show, which is supported by the supermarket chain Kaufland””. The Ministry is said to have by the advertising for the company knew nothing. The charge to advertise for a company, met before development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU), which appeared in the March 2019 in a branch of the supermarket chain Lidl impressed by their fair trade products. In a similar focus Klöckner was already a year ago for a Video with a Manager of the food group Nestlé, where she praised the company for less sugar, fat and salt in ready-made products.

On a critique of a radio commercial for the Online network “Nebenan.de” the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, on the website “Fragdenstaat.de” that Giffey have carried out cooperation with “Nebenan.de” as a private person, without participation of the Ministry: “Minister for women’s Affairs has implemented the radio spot as a private person.” The Ministry confirmed on request, and indicates that Giffey have received no money. Accordingly, the Minister wanted to bring attention to the Spot on the possibilities of the neighborhood help in the Corona-crisis. An Internet video in which Giffey as the Federal Minister for family Affairs, for “Nebenan.de” promotes, also informed the Federal Ministry for family Affairs on the own website and on the Twitter channel of the Ministry.

“This is an interesting case,”

The media institution Berlin-Brandenburg (MABB) now checks the proliferation of commercials with Franziska Giffey for the Internet portal “Nebenan.de” by the Federal Ministry for family Affairs. The media shall Institute, upon request and has asked the Department for an opinion. “We see this as a Supervisory authority”, says Anja the room, the Director of the media authority of Berlin-Brandenburg. “This is an interesting case.”

Rademacher by the Council for Public Relations announced the approach of the Minister for family Affairs, unhappy: anyone Who sees the Video, one could assume that it was a primary civic Engagement – although here, since 2018 great investment, a commercial interest is being pursued. Behind “Nebenan.de” are serial founders and investors of money by the Burda-Verlag and lake star, is involved, among other things, on the music-streaming service Spotify. The Portal of the Berlin-based Good Hood takes money from companies and cities, if they want to reach to the Portal neighbors.