In Germany, begins a clinical trial for a Corona vaccine. The tübingen-based biotech company Curevac starts as the second company in Germany to Mainz competitors Biontech a clinical trial of a potential vaccine, like the Reuters news Agency, two with the thing familiar to people experienced on Tuesday. Curevac and for the approval of the competent Paul-Ehrlich-Institut did not want to comment on that. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has invited Wednesday to a virtual press briefing that current information to a further clinical trial with a Covid-19 vaccine in Germany is to give.

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institute approved by the end of April with the vaccine program of Biontech for the first time, a clinical study with a Corona vaccine in Germany. Curevac had already announced that in June, the first clinical trials with healthy volunteers. The company had provided to the start of the week in the headlines, as the Federal government had announced to want to about their development Bank KfW with EUR 300 million for Curevac to get in. Thus, the development of a vaccine should be accelerated against the rampant Coronavirus. The American government should have had the company of interest.

the global pharmaceutical industry is researching feverishly on vaccines and drugs against the novel Coronavirus. A number of vaccine projects is already being tested on humans. The front of the American biotech group, Moderna, which started its clinical trial in mid-March. Moderna has specialized as Biontech and CureVac vaccines on the Basis of the so-called Messenger RNA (mRNA). You should convey to the human cells, the Information for the production of proteins and in order to combat the pathogen. A vaccine based on this, may be faster developed and manufactured as a conventional.