We are in the Box number four of the U-boat bunker at the end of the hundred and ten metre long water basin. It is dark, the air feels warm and moist. From your distance, the reverberation of the shipyard penetrates work: screaming, sirrendes, beaten metal. A warning light stains the concrete walls blood red, slowly a U-boat emerging from the harbour basin and glides through the open Portal in his berth. More threatening to the Monster piles up in front of the visitors, but suddenly there is a change of scene. Everything is black, a sonar sounds, on the walls, blue charts, flickering pale, the representational images give birth to: propellers, valves, tube systems; a map of the French Atlantic coast; black-and-white photos of the port workers and equipment; finally colorful paintings from different eras.

With this multi-media opening credits, the Bassins de Lumières present yourself to your visitors. 10. June opened, is accommodated in this centre in the first four boxes of the former Nazi German U-boat bunker in Bordeaux. Huge dimensions, industrial ambience, mysterious, Dark, surfaces reflective water – the brutalist concrete grotto provides a patents a stage for light-and-sound-ideas. The core piece of the opening programme, a multi-media Exhibition is Klimt with the title “Gustav, made of Gold and colours”.

red-haired gold fish on grey

The half-hour production is divided into six tableaux. To be the pompous trumpet sounds of Wagner’s “Tannhäuser”-Overture detail shots of Vienna’s green projected currently, buildings on the walls. Photos from the exhibition building of the Vienna Secession and in particular of Klimt’s Beethoven frieze about the route from historicism to art Nouveau. The third sequence shows Klimt’s most famous creations in a dazzling rain “made of Gold and colours”: “The kiss”, “Danae”, “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” and other classics. The world lost Mahler-the song is accompanied by a leisurely Promenade by landscape images, while a lurid Rachmaninov-editing a Montage of Schiele’s images accompanied. The apotheotic Finale-finally married – amazing happy Lehár and Puccini, to the ethereal sounds of Klimt’s most beautiful woman figures, gene weaving sky resolutions.

The reproductions of the selected artworks will be thrown on almost all vertical surfaces. And also on a number of floors, and even on two flat “mooring buoys”, floating on the black waters like giant water-Lily leaves. To fill the enormous 12,000 square feet of projection surfaces, see the original paintings and drawings, not only much enlarged, but is to be cloned, depending on the required serial or key elements eroded. Sometimes, individual characters are extracted and in a new environment puts fish – such as Judith from the eponymous painting by Klimt, and the redhead of the three “gold”, the sequins against the Backdrop of a Gold-to smile Gestöbers an Enigma to the visitors down.