In times where Bank accounts do not bring any interest, the blades 1.5 to 2 percent expected rate of return for open-ended real estate funds is quite attractive. Especially real estate are still the reputation to be a solid investment. The big question is whether the changes due to the effects of the Corona-crisis. No man would like to eventually invest in any investment products, which may collapse similar to the financial crisis.

From today’s point of view, the indications are not much. But those who invest now in real estate funds, of bets, so to speak, of how the tenants of the property come out of the crisis. For residential real estate, at least in the medium price category, which is represented in the Fund, for the most part, are the experts right to be confident.

For commercial real estate is likely to much depend on how a lot of bankruptcies there are. Shopping center, textile trade, and Hotels are considered to be sensitive logistics real estate, such as large warehouse, which is also the Online needs of trade, as relatively crisis-resistant. There is much, so that the real estate funds come unscathed through the crisis, but also not dramatically lose. The period of rapid increase in value for real estate of all kinds is likely to be well over.