France is gradually returning to its former habits covid, but customers are anxious when they visit the stores. According to a survey conducted by the firm, Altavia, the best way to get them to come back more many does not alleviate the protocol for care, but on the contrary… to strengthen it.

“Two great figures are to be remembered: one person in two considers at risk. This is a figure much higher than the one who gives the doctors, but it is he who is authoritative in the stores. And one person in two is concerned about getting in stores because of the attendance of other customers, see Raphaël Palti, president of Altavia. The major challenge for distributors, and is, therefore, to reassure customers. This imperative continues, even if the French adhere to less measures barrier as time goes on. In stores, the anguish is still there”.

see also : Trade: the good surprises of the déconfinement

To reassure their customers, the merchants must demonstrate that they have mastered the health risk in their points of sale, and does not hesitate to take protective measures more drastic that advocated by the authorities. Wearing a mask mandatory, as is already being practised in a large number of stores, is one of the most reassuring in the eyes of customers. They also would appreciate that the distributors of the hydroalcoholic gel to be installed at different locations of the store and not only at the entrance.

“customers want to feel that there is a pilot in the plane. They are waiting for signs that they shall refrain from any complacency towards those who do not play the game and exercise authority vis-à-vis all of their customers, such as inviting those who do not wish to wear the mask to come out,” says Altavia. In the eyes of the firm, there remains something of the recognition expressed during the confinement in respect of the employees of the stores, customers can have confidence, while they are wary of other customers.

In certain sectors, such as clothing and catering, these gestures barrier are capable of disrupting the activity more than elsewhere. Customers go there to touch the products and try them on. The sale of this sector have dropped post-confinement, with the exception of the child mode, while the diy, furnishings, decoration or sport are better. “The consumer of today is not the same as it was before mid-march, see Raphaël Palti. The containment has accelerated many of the trends of the trade pre-existing, starting with the willingness to consume less clothing which you don’t really need”.

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