In an open letter to the municipal head of Cultural Affairs, Ina Hartwig (SPD) has pointed out, Daniel Nicolai, artistic Director of the English Theatre in Frankfurt, on the uncertain future of his house. As Commerzbank has sold the Taunus system description the high-rise Gallileo, in whose basement the English Theatre plays, and the location to the 31. December 2022, will leave, must also be the Status of the theatre in this place have to be renegotiated.

Michael Holzer

culture editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Christian Riethmüller

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The new owner of the building, the Singapore-based company CapitaLand, has expressed, according to Nicolai while there is great interest in the continuation of the tenancy, but this will not be likely to under the current terms and conditions with the Bank as one of the main sponsors possible. With higher operating costs in a privately-run stage must be expected, therefore, limiting the financial room for manoeuvre considerably.

councillor against move

Nicolai hopes, therefore, to a higher institutional support of the city for his house. The Director rubs, however, to Hartwig’s last week, presented a Vision of a new culture mile of the Städtische Bühnen in Frankfurt, which connects to all sorts of cultural institutions, such as the branches of the Museum of Modern art and Museum of world culture, but the English Theatre of the applicant. “In your Considerations, the English Theatre will not exist at all. The Institution is in your eyes so small?“, Nicolai asks Hartwig.

The councillor said at the request of the F. A. Z., you support the English Theatre at a solution. And this could not be to move, but the location to maintain. Of course, the English Theatre belong to the concept of a future cultural mile. In their presentation they have mentioned only the city, but the private cultural institutions.