The Berlin district of Neukölln has arranged because of Corona cases for 369 households in quarantine. The Affected lived in seven locations in various Neighborhoods, said health councillor Falko Liecke (CDU) on Tuesday. Per household not to be presumed, therefore, up to ten residents, but exact Figures were first.

in the Meantime, has increased Liecke, according to the number of positive to Sars-CoV-2 tested people in the connection to 57, including children.

According to the district mayor Martin Hikel (SPD) are the cramped housing conditions of the very – per household for up to ten people lived together. After the Virus was focused in Europe, first in the ski areas of grass, was now also in tenements, said Hikel. It hit the Weakest members of society. Social workers are on-site for the short-term needs of the people in quarantine for aid to be organised packages.