in the course of this week, the Prosecutor’s office in Atlanta will decide whether charges against the police prosecution, the shot on Friday evening the 27-year-old African-American Rayshard Brooks. Prior to the decision, two more witnesses should be heard, informed of the district attorney, Paul Howard. Brooks seem to have no threat to anyone shown, he said. The fact that the Situation was escalated up to the time of his death, appeared to be “simply inappropriate”. Possible a murder charge or negligent killing was.

Majid Sattar

Political correspondent for North America, based in Washington.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the death of The man as a result of a police control led again to violent riots in the capital of the state of Georgia in the southeastern United States, and he fired the debate over police violence. Came to new demonstrations in Washington, New York and Los Angeles. The deadly police operation against George Floyd in Minneapolis two weeks ago, had triggered the most serious unrest in America for more than fifty years.

the video recordings of the events on Friday evening, the confrontation show the two white police officers with Brooks. The autopsy showed that he died of organ damage and blood loss due to two gunshot wounds in the back had him brought to the hospital and to perform surgery attempts.

A stun gun is not considered a deadly weapon

Brooks was asleep at the wheel of his car, as he waited in the queue of a Drive-through fast-food restaurants. The body camera of the first on-site incident, the police stopped the further course of events: Brooks was awakened in his vehicle and instructed to Park his car outside of the snake. He said, to have something to drink. The entertainment was first in a calm tone, it took more than twenty minutes. The question of whether he’s carrying a gun, he denied it. Then he agreed to be sampled.

To perform a sobriety test, and was appointed a second official to the site. The police stated that Brooks had too much to drink, and wanted to take him into custody. While trying to handcuff him, fought back, and Brooks suddenly and tried to run away. In the scuffle, the three men fell to the ground. In the dispute succeeded Brooks to grab the stun gun of one officer and to be free. He ran away, one of the officers followed him. As Brooks tried to shoot with the stun gun on the tracker, pulled his gun and got off three shots.

“This should never have been allowed into his death lead”

Chris Stewart, the lawyer for the family of Brooks, noted that a “Taser”, a stun gun, will not be legally classified as a deadly weapon. In the Video of the police also see to that the Brooks had not been polite. He could easily have been instructed to take an Uber home. “This should never have been allowed into his death lead,” said Stewart.

the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, expressed doubts as to the proportionality. The police had him sent home, she said. The African-American was succeeded at the end of may, after the death of George Floyd’s in Minneapolis, to stop the violence in their city. After two days of rioting by African Americans inhabited metropolis won in the majority of the peaceful demonstrators the upper hand again. After the incident on Friday, police President Erika Shields resigned at the request Bottoms’ of your Post. The policeman who had fired, was dismissed, Mr provisionally suspended.