The “noodle dishes”: the image is clear enough to illustrate a practice already too prevalent. Sébastien Soriano, president of the Arcep (Authority of telecommunications) has proven to be very firm on Tuesday, on the sidelines of the presentation of the figures on the telecom sector. It gives the network operators the task of “police”, indicating that some sub-contractors may be deleted from the lists of stakeholders. It’s been several months that the controller board on the subject.

Arcep denounces as well, the connections “wild” facts in certain cabinets of connection by technicians unscrupulous. The consequences are multiple, first to the subscribers. The customer of an operator that is deprived of its connection to the fiber, its connection being disconnected in favour of a new subscriber, usually to another operator. The operators also suffer from the situation, they must face the wrath of their subscribers and interventions on the cabinets are made more complicated.

operators will be the police

“It is necessary that the infrastructure must be within the operational conditions to be viable. It is necessary to accept a co-existence in the points of sharing,” said Sébastien Soriano, president of the regulator. But the situation is complicated. On one side, it is essential that commercial operators be able to access these points of mutualisation, the other “some subcontractors have been working like a pig”, in the words of Sébastien Soriano. He further claims that some commercial operators “of not having sufficiently guarded their sub-contractors”. The operators and the Arcep are put around the table to establish a roadmap with new processes. The network operator (mainly Orange and SFR) will be responsible for the proper handling of the rack connection and the commercial operators will be required to meet its guidelines. “A subcontractor who works as a marmoset, may be dereferenced”, adds the president of the Arcep, which wants to give full powers to the infrastructure operators “to make the police”.

The good news for consumers is that the arrival of a new subscriber to the fiber in its building or on the street should no longer be a sword of Damocles, making him fear to be deprived of connection.

The editorial suggests”The risk of saturation of the telecom networks do exist, but are controlled”optical Fiber, a whole heap of trouble for the immeublesSujetArcepAucun comment

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