“France is in the green area, but we remain confined”. The sector of musiques actuelles regrets that, Emmanuel Macron, has not given a key to reopen the concert halls so that the health crisis seems to be coming to its end.

read also : The theaters perplexed about the reopening

The current standards – public standing prohibited, 4 square meters for a person, closure of the bar, etc – “are always in danger of economic our places of business”, stressed to AFP Malika Séguineau, the Prodiss, the first employers ‘ organisation of the musical performance in the private sector. “The public transport resumed, the places of worship were reopened, and the bars and restaurants, but, we, no,” abounds with the AFP Aurélie Hannedouche, the Union of today’s music (Adm).

“no one knows when will re-open the theatres and what will be the financial strength of the structures organizing”, it expresses concern in a press release the Sacem (society of composers, authors and music publishers of canada).

Prodiss and Sma also regret a lack of visibility on the part of the authorities. “We would like that the president and the government understand that in order to reopen the rooms on the 1st September, it requires a bit of time,” insists Jennie Hannedouche, “extremely disappointed” by the intervention of the president of the Republic: “there were a lot of expectations and… nothing.”

Reopening in September ?

“to prepare For the scene, it is necessary to wiring, the pre-production, artistic residencies, and then it is necessary that the organisers of the show put on sale, do the promotion,” she continues. A decision at the end of August, it is too late, we would like a response on 22 June. We want to see clear”.

“To sell tickets, it takes 4 to 5 weeks”, adds Malika Séguineau, also remained on his hunger after the intervention of Emmanuel Macron: “The good news is that France is in the green zone but we – the living performance – remain confined…”.

The Sma would like to sit around a table with the government to “discuss the evolution of the gauges, and set a cap.” The Prodiss argues for a reopening in early September with a gauge full,” and is working with bureau Veritas on a health protocol suited to get the green light from the government. But Malika Séguineau believes that September could be a “step prior to a true recovery,” “before the public can be fully there”.

Culture in a recession

The big summer festivals remain for the time being cancelled and the “communities are in the process of making a lack of profits”, highlights Aurélie Hannedouche.

“The culture creates so much wealth, with benefits for the hotel industry, tourism, etc, with a free summer festival, moribund, there are so many terraces, shops that will close…”, expands to the AFP, the singer Benjamin Biolay. “In the software of thought of the current government, the culture with the aid of the State, it is a heresy, tackle-t-it. It will be in the future a minister of Culture who is a political heavyweight. It will be welcome. He will see that it will be full of interesting people with whom to discuss, who are not so vehement, who have a lot to say about what they know”, argues the artist.

read also : Benjamin Biolay will “never again be a presidential candidate”

“there is probably a little bit of populism behind the fact not to speak of a culture in a recession, “this is not the time to speak of cultureux”. But in “the cultureux”, there are a lot of smicards, people who have the credits and are wondering what future occupation they will be able to do”, depicts Benjamin Biolay. “For the concerts, we are told, “do as seems good to you, at worst you can cancel your shows at the last moment…”. When you choose this business circus, and that it is the “war” – a word from the president of the Republic – it is known that culture, it is easy to forget, unfortunately,” he concludes.

The editorial team conseilleBenjamin Biolay : “My culture of the French song is beat-up”Without the prospect of the opening of the theatres rely on the streamingLa music, affected by the crisis in the coronavirus28 commentairesJoe13le 16/06/2020 13:37

BB has difficult ends of the month ?

Dardelet69le 16/06/2020 13:10

No.not opening. As it is not heard.

anonymele 16/06/2020 at 12:39 pm

Don’t worry Benjamin, macron’ll call you in the evening…

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