The european Commission announced Tuesday in a press release the opening of several investigations into the practices of Apple. They apply to the store of downloading apps, the App Store, and the platform of mobile payment, Apple Pay. The Commission will focus on two restrictions imposed by Apple in its agreements with the companies who wish to distribute apps to users of Apple devices.

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The first investigations are the result of a complaint by the Swedish Spotify, which accuses Apple of abusing its dominant position on the market of online music. “We need to ensure that the rules Apple does not distort competition on the markets where the company competes with other developers of applications, for example with its service of music-streaming Apple Music or Apple Books”, emphasises Margrethe Vestager, vice-president of the Commission responsible for competition policy. “So I decided to examine closely the rules of the Apple App Store and their compliance with the competition rules of the Union.”

The Commission will focus on two restrictions imposed by Apple,” app developers : the passage through its payment platform and the inability to direct their users to their websites to buy subscriptions without going through Apple.

Concerning Apple Pay, the Commission will seek to know if Apple restricts competition by reserving to themselves the functions of prompt payment, a “tap and go”. “Apple Pay is the only mobile payment solution that can access the NFC “tap and go” is integrated to mobile devices in iOS to make payments in-store.”

In a press release, Apple believes that the investigations of the EU are based on “complaints unfounded”. The opening of formal procedures for review shall not prejudge its outcome, says the Commission.

The editorial team conseilleApple becomes the first company to exceed 1 500 billion valuation boursièreConcurrence: the european Commission fourbit his weapons anti-Gafa2 commentairesbiardole 16/06/2020 at 12:18 pm

All employees who work in the automotive industry can thank the environmentalists to find themselves unemployed, thanks to the greens !

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