The CDU in Romans is to reduce motorised individual transport in the city carefully, without a means of transport off against the other. His party wants to free a “low-car” center, but no car, said the CDU Chairman in the meeting of the town Council, Nils Kößler, on Monday at the presentation of the “transport policy guidelines” of the Union. The fact that the traffic in Frankfurt will continue to grow, come in the face of rising population, no one over figures. Even more important is a “coordinated mobility mix”, in which the car is not demonized, but for many people, is still an indispensable means of transportation will accept either. Although the CDU wool less motor vehicles in the city centre, in order to achieve the set, however, on incentives and offers, instead, on rules and prohibitions.

Ralf Euler

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the Rhine-Main-part of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

Not car-free, but the “speed reduced” center of his party, to strut, said of the traffic political speaker of the CDU in the Romans, Martin Daum. He could imagine on the North Bank of the main, which will be released in the autumn for the car traffic, for example, good a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour. Generally speaking, more space for pedestrians, cyclists and service providers should be created. Craft about needed statements non-bureaucratic access to special Parking. The urban cycle network must be rapidly and with radschnellwegen in the surrounding areas linked to expanded.

“More managed as designed”

head of the Traffic Department, Klaus Oesterling (SPD) is held by the CDU “a certain lack of planning”. As an example, Kößler called the failure of the blocking of the Mainkais for car traffic. The CDU wants to limit it, to reduce the number of lanes from three to two, and at the same time on both sides to create cycle lanes. Basically, Oesterling should present, instead of here and there, meddling with, finally with citizens and interest groups, coordinated transportation plan that calls for Kößler. On one of the most important fields of urban policy, it is over, unfortunately, not as good as it should run. The head of the Traffic Department to be someone who “manages more than designed,” added Daum.

in General, transport policy will be to often with the “ideological glasses”, through which the Bicycle as well and the car as the evil appeared, in the transport guidelines of the Romans-CDU. Anyone who wants to encourage people to switch to public transport, should you offer incentives. To do this, it needed to be, for example, the consistent and rapid roll-out of Bus and train connections, required more reliability, safety and cleanliness in the public transport were and at stations.

More warning signs

Kößler pointed to statistics which showed that the number of accidents in Frankfurt, where pedestrians injured had been, had increased in the past year by ten percent, while the number of accidents overall were largely unchanged. If it is the environmental movement most continue to increasingly dangerous going over, obviously something wrong. As a further warning sign Kößler called that the proportion of paths that would be travelled by Bus or train, had declined, according to statistics, last year, by one percent and that the number of households have taken off without the motor vehicle to seven percent. Apparently, the Appeals had to drive instead of using the car, to prefer to run or use Bicycle, Bus or train, not so good, hopefully it is for reasons of environmental protection would be.

Not least, the CDU parliamentary leader thinks of the commuters, are dependent many of them on a car. 370,000 people come to work every day to Frankfurt, about 100,000 left the city for the same reason. As for the traffic, available space could not be increased arbitrarily, he must be a digitally-controlled traffic management is used optimally. The CDU mentions as examples of intelligent, traffic – oriented Traffic lights, modern traffic control and Parking system volume on Apps based mobile to use the transport information and booking service for bikes and car-sharing via mobile phone.