tourists from Germany are allowed to enter the country since Monday to Denmark. Early in the Morning, drivers came forward in front of the border transi in the Wake of the A7 is slow. Also at the border crossing at copper mill for about a kilometre-long queue formed, as the police tweeted South Jutland. Because the controls were not set. To the other open border crossings, there were at first no queues.

Monday, may German, Norwegian, and Icelandic tourists back to Denmark, if you have booked at least six Nights. It is to be expected on this day, the German guests in 14,000 booked holiday homes, including 5300 in southern Jutland, as the Danish broadcaster DR reported a few days ago, with reference to the Figures of the relevant industry Association.

Who has, as a German, a summer house in Denmark, or about its Partner in the country wants to visit, may enter the country since the end of may. In addition, inhabitants of Schleswig-Holstein are allowed to enter the country since Monday, without a valid reason again to Denmark.