Who can go is in search of toys, decorative items, or household, in Darmstadt now, a very special shop: The “Free-Load” in the Bessunger Straße 132. Since last Saturday, the small, in the so-called post-settlement location, the business has opened. In addition to a colourful range of goods, ranging from plush animals on tableware and up to small electric appliances such as egg cookers, and toasters, will delight especially the concept of the Store: anyone Who is looking for something and there, you can take the new favorite piece – without paying for it. The “Free-Loading” is the Name of the program.

the idea for The some other business had Ripper Bastian and his colleagues from the Association “Together in the post-settlement”. The Association that cares for the elderly, lonely and needy in the settlement, was to create a meeting place for the inhabitants of the district.

on the Other hand, should Load objects, the land otherwise, in cellars, on attics or even in the garbage bin, the Chance of new owners provide. “There are so many beautiful things that lie somewhere unused around,” says Ripper. “And there are many people who are looking for something Special.”

“This has nothing to do with the social need to”

So would have to be brought both sides together, was the Chairman of the Association. Already on the opening day managed to do, apparently. Interested parties from almost all parts of the city of Darmstadt, and even visitors from Griesheim, Roßdorf, Seeheim and Stockstadt am Main had come.

Many of the objects found new owners. A DVD-a Player feeding now with a man who could afford to its own information, so far, no replacement for his defective unit, as the club announced. Other visitors decided to go for a fan, a little girl got a big red plush bear.

The Store is for everyone, highlights Ripper. “This has nothing to do with the social need to.” You need to find something that could take it. Who wants to give something, though, for a donation box available. The project is financed exclusively by voluntary in-kind and monetary gifts. Only clothing and large electrical appliances, such as refrigerators, would not be accepted.

money donations will be invested in rental and ancillary costs for the business, the employees in the Store are volunteers. Is opened the Free Store on Saturdays and Mondays from 14 to 17 o’clock. Information about the business and ways to donate, there are www.postsiedlung.de.