France will not be outdone in the race to the vaccine. A visit to a site of the pharmaceutical group Sanofi in Marcy-l’etoile, near Lyon, Emmanuel Macron has planned to announce Tuesday an initiative to fund research and development and vaccine production capacity in France, said the Elysée.

read also : Coronavirus: the European reserve of 400 million vaccines

Sanofi, one of the groups that are working on the development of a vaccine against the Covid-19, should also to this opportunity to announce the investments.

the visit of The head of the State on one of the largest websites in the world of vaccine and comes just after the agreement between four european countries, including France, and the AstraZeneca group of companies to ensure the supply to the EU 300 million doses of a possible vaccine against the coronavirus. AstraZeneca is committed to sell the vaccine at cost price without profit. As with AstraZeneca, the Europeans “wish to negotiate the same way with other laboratories,” according to the Elysée. “We will sign probably with Sanofi, with which the negotiations begin, and with other” for “global immunization coverage will not be in doubt, not by a single vaccine, but by many.” The sharing of risk must be specified, but a large part of these advance orders will not be paid if an effective vaccine is not produced, underlines Paris.

A “global public good”

The head of the State should, moreover, renewed Tuesday his call to make future vaccines against the Covid-19 a “global public good” available to all and outside of the laws of the market, a demand also formulated by the WHO. In the afternoon, Emmanuel Macron meet in video conference with the bosses of the leading laboratories and groups global production of vaccines (MSD, Pfizer, Janssen, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GSK, CureVac and Moderna) to provide an update on the progress of their research and their production capacity. The main pharmaceutical groups are engaged in a race to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus, which has so far been more than 433.000 people and infected more than 7.9 million people in the world.

The trip to Marcy-L’etoile comes a month after the controversy created by remarks of the chief executive officer of Sanofi, Paul Hudson, according to which the group would distribute a future vaccine against the Covid-19 first in the United States, which have invested $ 30 million to support his research. Emmanuel Macron had “moved” to this declaration, and was invited to the Élysée Paul Hudson and Serge Weinberg, the chairman of the board of directors, which had provided shared access to the vaccine. “This matter is behind us”, assured Monday the Elysée palace.

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