While Europe begins to reopen its borders on Monday, the pandemic is still raging in many countries, particularly in Latin America. Also, other States sometimes believed to have succeeded in containing the spread of the virus Covid-19, are now facing the threat of a second wave. China, Iran, Pakistan or even India, which seem to almost turn the page of the epidemic, which began there more than six months, are facing a resurgence in the number of cases and deaths, and for India, a lack of means at the hospital who is concerned about population.

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in The United States, the increase in the number of hospitalizations in several States, including Texas and North Carolina, also fear a second wave. The same concerns advanced in South Africa, and Russia. The Figaro is the point, country by country.

Iran : 100 dead in 24 hours

the most affected Country in the Middle East, Iran announced on Sunday more than 100 dead in 24 hours in the country, which was more happened since two months. In early may, the authorities have undertaken a déconfinement progressive, opening the places of worship, shops or restaurants, but Iran was quickly forced to reconfiner a part of the country in the face of the reversal of the epidemic, in particular because of the non-compliance with social distancing.

The health authorities have identified 107 new death from SARS-CoV-2 between Saturday afternoon and Sunday mid-day, announced Sima Sadat Lari, a spokesperson for the ministry of Health, bringing the official death toll from the epidemic to 8837 dead in Iran.

The balance sheet daily official died of the virus in Iran had fallen below 100 since April 14, after authorities announced that 111 deaths the day before. According to Sima Sadat Lari, 2472 new cases of contamination by the virus have been confirmed in Iran during the past 24 hours. According to the official figures, 187.427 people have been infected by the disease since the announcement of the first cases in February. Since the beginning of may, the official figures reflect a rising trend in newly identified cases. So far, the authorities say that this increase is the result of an intensification of screening and therefore the number of tests performed, and that this does not reflect any deterioration of the health situation of the country.

India: 1000 new cases per day

India had become an example of coming up here to contain the first case detected in January. There is a month and a half, the country had achieved 1000 fatality, for 1.3 billion people. But the virulence of the epidemic has finally reached the country that today faces a sharp rise in cases of contamination.

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India has registered more than 300,000 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus which has led to nearly 9,000 deaths. New Delhi, the metropolis of 20 million inhabitants, identifies some 1200 deaths from this epidemic. More than a thousand new cases are registered daily in the city. On Monday, the indian State of Tamil Nadu (south) has ordered that the reconfinement of the metropolitan city of Chennai, with a population of over 15 million inhabitants, of Friday until the end of June in the face of the progression of the epidemic of coronavirus.

This increase in cases reflects the precariousness of the health system of india and the shortage of beds arouses a growing concern within the population. The pace of deaths is such that, in the morgues, the bodies are piled up so that the staff of the cemeteries and crematoriums can’t keep up the pace. The media indians are a state of many people, often from the slums, who died after having been refused by the hospitals. Sunday, June 14, the minister of the Interior Amit Shah, has convened a crisis meeting in Delhi, where the health situation is extremely confusing : the estimate of the number of deaths goes from simple to double according to the sources.

Pakistan : WHO calls emergency containment in the face of rising cases

In Pakistan, the world health Organization has called on the government to introduce emergency confinements “intermittent” in the most affected areas, by sequences of two weeks.

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Until now, the prime minister, Imran Khan, is worried about the unprecedented economic crisis that is coming, but also influenced by the pressure of islamist movements, has refused to cripple the country, especially during the ramadan period. Aware of the deficiencies of the hospital system, however, it has called on its 220 million fellow citizens to meet in the next few weeks a “containment” smart – close to shops and markets in the neighborhoods more exposed to the virus, particularly in the province of Punjab.

We already have close to 145,000 cases in Pakistan and a little over 2700 dead. On Sunday, the minister of plan, Asad Umar, has shocked the public opinion by stating that ” on the basis of its current trajectory “, the number of people affected could double by the end of June “even up to” 1 to 1.2 million at the end of July “.


While the containment was completed on may 30, in Bangladesh, the country is spending Saturday in front of the China in the number of infections, with 87.520 cases and 1 171 dead, to 160 million. The day before, the minister for health Zahid Maleque had announced the reconfinement of the areas most infected, of which some 45 neighborhoods of the capital Dhaka. On 11 June, the government had voted an increase of 23% of its budget appropriations.

China: new home and return to containment

Cradle of the pandemic, China was thought to have defeated the virus. The 22 last may, chinese authorities announced, triumphantly, having recorded no new cases of Covid-19, on the territory, which had not happened since the country has started to publish data on the epidemic, in January.

But this weekend, a new home contamination has been detected in the south of Beijing in the wholesale market Xinfadi, which sells items such as meat, fish and vegetables. A discovery that has led to the containment of 21 residential areas nearby. According to the chinese authorities, 57 new confirmed cases of contamination coronavirus have been identified in 24 hours, including 36 in Beijing, the highest number daily since April.

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Latin America, new epicenter, Brazil in the first line
More than 1.5 million patients Covid-19 have been identified in Latin America, which are now under the threat of a food crisis, when the markets fell again on Friday, investors fearing a second wave of the epidemic in the United States. New epicentre of the pandemic, Latin America and the Caribbean lament over 73,000 people dead, including more than half in Brazil.

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Mexico and Chile have recorded on Friday, their worst daily figures. Mexico totals more than 15 000 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic, and Chile, 2 870. And in Honduras, professor Marco Tulio Medina, the National University, has pointed out that the hospital system in the country was “on the verge of collapse”.

More than 2 million infected in the United States, the threat of a second wave

The United States recorded 941 deaths additional related to the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing to 113.774 the number of deaths in the country, according to the counting Thursday of the Johns Hopkins university. The increase in the number of hospitalizations in several States, including Texas and North Carolina raise fears of a second wave that would make even more damage and would slow down the slow pace of economic recovery.

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Same fear in South Africa, where the number of new cases jumped to over 10,000 in one day, reaching nearly 62,000 cases Friday, a week after the release of the containment.

8700 new cases in Russia

For its part, Russia has made state Saturday 8706 new infection with the novel coronavirus, bringing the total to 520.129 case since the beginning of the epidemic. According to the Russian authorities, 114 people died as a result of the Covid-19 in the space of 24 hours, for a total of 6829 death.

The editorial team conseilleDes countries have-they already had a second wave of the epidemic Covid-19 ?Coronavirus: the countries threatened by a second wave of contaminationsSujetsBrésilEtats-UnisPakistanIndeAmérique LatineBangladeshCoronavirus : news and advice for the pandemic Covid-19Covid -19IranChineAucun comment

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