Everything looks from a distance, bigger, mountains, seas, cities. This can be a Motor. Because where I am right now, way too small for me, but back there, in the distance, far away, where it shines, brighter than here: I want to go There. There, it doesn’t pull me but only there I am, otherwise I would hear it not so loud for me.

Tobias RĂ¼ther

editor in the Feuilleton section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The closer you get but then, the more you lose the Overview. If something is within your reach, it can lose its appeal. Or his proportions. The top of the mountain you can’t see on the mountain. At the corner of 99. Street and Lexington Avenue can only be guessed how big New York really is. Then only this corner in front of the nose. You know how huge New York is because it has to be seen from a distance, in pictures, in the approach, in the movies.

Some mountain climber was once asked why he climbs the mountains, and he answered: “Because you can stop there.” They stand around like big question marks in the landscape and want us to come. In any case, we the. We are in the mountains, Yes, completely no matter. Or the cities. Or the North pole. The question mark that we are always and only themselves.

All great journeys have begun with this question: What is there, what waits on the other end? Rare that people would have time to be broken, because there you were where, exactly the right size and has been nice or fair would be received. We leave, we leave, we climb and sail away, and we talk and write and write Songs about it, because we have enough of that where we are, and want what other have and at the same time, never enough can get.

There is a wonderful story, and you can’t tell often enough that Frank Sinatra has so blue eyes, because he never stared at so longingly from Hoboken to New York. A little Boy from New Jersey and the skyscrapers on the other side of the river. To Frank Sinatra over there, then arrived there at some point. And large was at least as big as New York. And still moved on. Everything looks from a distance, larger, cities, mountains, seas. This can be a Motor that never runs out, for art, for life, for travel.