After the heavy Corona outbreak in Potsdam, Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann in March, the public Prosecutor has started investigations against three senior Doctors and the then Board of management.Will said determined against the five accused on suspicion of negligent killing and negligent bodily injury, as the authority on Monday. In the preliminary proceedings should be also considered whether the physicians in addition, a criminal offence made by them contrary to the infection protection act.

Kim-Björn Becker

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

the Prosecutor’s office further said, were the two since April furloughed managing Director suspected of sowohlim run-up to the Corona eruption and to have appropriate organizational measures not taken. In addition, they should have failed, after the outbreak of the Virus professionals are involved.

The three accused Doctors alleged to have diseases or suspected cases, or only too late to the Potsdam public health Department reported. Thus, it was not possible for the authority to draw conclusions, how strong the Virus is in the hospital had spread. Also, the office was able to arrange in this way, no steps to keep the outbreak in check. The Prosecutor’s office stated that this”may be infections or even the death of patients could have been prevented”.