In force for over a month, the certificates employer is required to take the transport in the île de france in the peak hours will soon take their final bow. According to information from RTL, confirmed by our care to the prefecture of the Île-de-France, the certificate should no longer be necessary from the 22 June next. The institution will give more details on this decision in the day, we are told.

read also : Déconfinement: a cover of a transport under control

The certification was announced in early may. It was intended to reserve the public transport during rush hour with people travelling to their place of work or needing to move for an urgent reason. This document was the result of a concerted action between many stakeholders, including the city of Paris, the region Île-de-France, the SNCF, the RATP, the Medef, the CPME, the CFDT, the CFTC, or the CCI Paris-Île-de-France. Objective : to enable the ile-de-france travel while limiting the number of passengers in the networks to strengthen the compliance with social distancing.

These final hours, while the déconfinement accelerated, voices were raised to request the removal of this condition. This is particularly the case of the president (ex-RL) of the capital region, Valérie Pécresse. On Monday, the former minister called for a return of the “freedom of movement” in the region. “I would like to remove the certificate […] but with protection measures. I believe that wearing a mask will have to remain mandatory still several weeks” until “mid-July”, she says. At the same time, the Economy minister, Bruno Le Maire, has said “favorable” to the removal of the certificate.