The hours of overtime worked in march and April by the staff of the hospitals and other public structures (long-term care, disability, child welfare) will be increased by 50% and must be paid by 1 September. Announced in mid-April by the government, this increase in overtime performed during the outbreak of coronavirus has been specified by a decree published Sunday in the official Journal.

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From 1 march to 30 April, the first 14 hours are increased from 87.5% (compared to 25% in normal times), and the following of 90.5% (against 27%). These increases are cumulative with a bonus of 150% for the hours of the night (compared to 100% of the ordinary) and another of 99% for Sundays and public holidays (from 66%).

Are concerned the personal holders and contract of the public hospital service, whether they work in hospitals, institutions for the elderly or the disabled, those on social Assistance to children, as well as receptions for families in difficulty and asylum-seekers. The same rules apply to hospitals, training of armies and of the Institution national des Invalides. For all these agents, additional hours will need to be “compensated in the form of the single-compensation”, that is to say, paid for, and this “not later than 1 September.”

in addition, doctors, dentists and pharmacists practising in public hospitals (internal, students and foreign practitioners included) benefit from a revaluation of 50% on the guards carried out during the same period, also payable by 1 September.

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