After a “first victory against the Virus” dare the French President looking to the future, and his country calls on people to “work more and produce more”. In a televised address on Sunday evening, insinuates that he wants to keep his course of Reform, albeit with a new method. “Not everything can be – as so often in Paris,” he said. Now he wanted to local actors, citizens, entrepreneurs, trade unions, Associations and mayors more confidence.

Michaela Wiegel

Political correspondent, based in Paris.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Macron has announced he will return to life as usual faster. The infection of the “green Zone corresponds to happen in the whole of France”. So, to commence this Monday in the capital, Paris to all the Restaurants and cafes again your operation. Even if the summer of 2020 will be an ordinary, back to find France again to its “way of life,” said Macron. Also travel within the EU as of this Monday is again possible.

Macron agreed, the French are on strict Lockdown for a period of economic “reconstruction” on you waiting. “We have at 16. March of the humanist choice is made, the health of the economy,“ said Macron. It was a decision to which France is proud could be. “We have saved tens of thousands of people’s lives,” he said. The state had approximately mobilise 500 billion euros in rescue programs. This was due to the exceptional circumstances necessary. “But the debt is added to our existing debt burden,” said the President. This debt would not be tax increases removed. “Our country is already one of those in which the tax burden is very high, even if it has been reduced for the past three years,” he said. The only answer to the debt in a sustainable, stronger economy model.

“Our Republic will fall, no statues”

Macron stressed that the EU will play an important role in the economic reconstruction. The proposed EU Recovery Fund is an essential Element. Macron described the German-French Agreement as a “historic turning point”. A new “We” was in the making. Macron referred to the resistance of the “frugal Four” against the plans. He’s going to fight at the EU Council in July for Europe to “become a stronger, more cohesive and sovereign”.