The Rhododendron was magnificent, the roses are surpassed in color and fragrance, rush, the maple has reached the Five-Meter mark, the strawberries ripen – we have no garden. Only a backyard, completely sealed, surrounded by walls. The Green grows from buckets and pots, now so well and tight that you can perfectly center. But if it is evening then, well convinced city-dwellers of the prehistoric man of the Royal urge to gather at a fire (and shivering by the way on the mostly female type a little). But where there’s fire, there is smoke. And is taboo in the backyard Paradise, because he would immediately pull in the neighbor’s living room.

Inga Janović

business editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

just when there is a manufacturer out of Australia, where so much Close occurs so rarely, we found the solution: Ecosmart Fire Stix the Designer Alternative to the traditional campfire, the blazing, a little warming, but are completely smoke-free is to could have. Because it is not wood, but Ethanol, which is almost pure alcohol is burned. This is not to, as it is, it is also environmentally friendly because the CO2 arm to be generated, however, quite as much heat as a real fireplace fire. Three liters of the hidden Tank in the stainless steel rods, with which the Designer Hiroshi Tsunoda from Barcelona the appearance of a camp fire has created. The fits to the appearance of a garden. We would prefer the black Version of the fire pit, brushed stainless steel would be rather something for the modern building.

Eight hours should be able to blaze the flame, who is tired earlier, turn the fire, the air, and it is. There is no ash, no soot, no Sparks, could be unobserved do Terrible things. Unfortunately, but also not a pleasant crackle. You can set up this camp fire in many places, with good ventilation even in the living room, and also to the Party of friends you could borrow it, with 27 pounds, the manufacturer specifies the weight. On the account, the designers would weigh-romance heavy, the local sales partners in the Australia-crafted fire sell for two to three thousand Euro. This is lush, especially as the fuel, although more manageable, but also much more expensive than wood is, the Ten-litre canisters are to be located on the Internet just under 30 euros. But what you do not do as city-dwellers, everything for a touch of adventure and nature.