The time of the balance sheet. While the resumption of railway traffic intensifies, the boss of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, calculates the losses. And they are heavy. In an interview in the Journal du Dimanche , he believes that the crisis of the Covid-19 is expected to cost nearly four billion euros of turnover in its business.

read also : SNCF: return to normal traffic at the end of June

“The loss of revenue should be close to 4 billion euros, the TGV alone representing half”, said Jean-Pierre Farandou. If we add those linked to the strikes against the pension reform, estimated at one billion euros, the loss for the station is around € 5 billion since last December.

During the period of containment, “only 7% of TGV have rolled and they have transported more than 1% of the usual clientele. We have also recorded the shortfalls in important trains of everyday life. Only the cargo has held up rather well, with an activity rate above 60%”, has detailed the Jean-Pierre Farandou, president and CEO of the SNCF since last fall.

read also : The State will not fly to the rescue of the SNCF immediately

in the Face of this, it is hoped that the recovery will be the “fastest possible”. It already provides, about TGV, that “a few trains” were complete in June. “For July we average 20% to bookings, and August around 8%”, he further detailed. Very low numbers that sums it up well : “we are still very far from the speed of the restart observed after a strike.”

Of the hires this year and next year

In many sectors, the health crisis and following economic should allow to change our habits. And the SNCF can’t escape it. Jean-Pierre Farandou has expressed his desire to replace by 2030 by trains operating on hydrogen “all trains running on diesel on the network that is not electrified”. “With the regions, we will put in service the first prototypes in 2023. In the meantime, we are developing with Alstom trains-in hybrid, which will arrive as early as 2021 in four regions. They run on diesel on the main path, but go to the power entering in the cities. They make less noise and pollute less.” However, it has not quantified the cost of these measures which aim to achieve the carbon balance of “zero emission by 2035”.

read also : Coronaviruses: SNCF and RATP in the face of the puzzle of compliance with the distancing in the transport

Asked about a possible gesture-State financial, Jean-Pierre Farandou, which called for, three weeks ago, a plan to boost the rail, has responded that they have “a regular exchange with the State”. Without more precision. With regard to employment, he again rejected the idea of layoffs: “on the contrary, we will continue to recruit this year and next year,” he said.

Recalling that it had made two fund-raising 1.2 billion euros in Europe and the United States, it has embarked on “a savings plan that represents several hundred million euros”, and which focuses in particular on the procurement of equipment and operating costs.

The editorial team conseille100% of the offers of the SNCF will be available from mid-June announcement by the secretary of State for Transports102 commentairesBridgile 14/06/2020 21:08

The taxes of the French will allow those unable to bail out

lionel29le 14/06/2020 21:05

the debt of the SNCF in 2018 was of 54.5 billion euros. a
4 billion more or less , it will not too much bother , nor prevent to strike to get a raise.
you can rent this band of layabouts

TOCATA Jeanle 14/06/2020 21:01

travelers have had enough repeated strikes of the railwaymen.
The taxpayers are tired of subsidizing by the billions each year Sncf not to be very effective.
The government should therefore encourage and accelerate the arrival of real competition on all the TGV lines.

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