In the Corona-crisis, the glimmer of hope, but in the case of “families in crisis” it starts really growing. The three women sitting in the shady courtyard of a Bockenheimer cafes, know each other only for seven weeks. Usually they meet in video conferences, do not personally like this Morning with tea and Cappuccino. “It feels as if we were to make for months what,” says Diane Sieg hole. The mother of three children, of Wiesbaden, has the first Demonstration of the group at 25. April with 50 parents in front of the Parliament in the first Demo, which she has visited ever organized.

Florentine Fritzen

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Now, since the Hessian schools and kindergartens return to operation, as a rule, the Initiative is about. But the women begin to understand themselves as the voice for all families in Germany. Still, the merger of a number of Whatsapp groups; and have found the Dedicated to Facebook. Victory hole says: “We, as parents, actually, for something like this any time, but only on the Internet to be tired of complaining will get us nowhere.”

A “representation of interests for families”

When it comes to your and your Frankfurter comrades-in-arms, Agnes Horvath and Susanne core that is soon to be a non-profit organization arise. To the hard-core group of more than a hundred mothers and a few fathers, according to the three women. “We see ourselves as representing the interests of families.” Although there are parent representatives from the daycare centers and schools. But the are always bound to the institutions and a specific age of the children.

The Hessen are networked with colleagues in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Berlin and Hamburg. In the meantime, you are in contact with members of the Parliament, occurred in Frankfurt in the education Committee and have zoomed in with the former Federal Minister for family Affairs, Kristina Schröder of the CDU. Next week you have an appointment with Kai Klose. The Minister of social Affairs of the Green is one of the representatives of the Hessian politics, the the three women to male therefore. But the fathers in the group did not see themselves represented enough, say the three women.

claims to be considered in the policy

The group aims to speak not only for “modern dual-earner families”, and academics. Victory hole goes to the parents time and again with an 80-percent position as a Business Development Manager at a Fintech Start-up. But what exactly is modern family’s””? Horvath is working with 70 percent as a Controller at a regional Bank, but says, you take care of it currently being a large part of the daughter, which is now in the school. Core commitment in addition to a 90-percent Job as an investment Manager with an asset Manager, however, is only possible because her husband takes care of a lot of the daughters in the kindergarten age.

The women are happy that so many of their claims played in politics a role. For example, the need to apply to the permanent groups, in kindergartens and primary schools, so that the distance rules. Since “this terrible Statement of the Leopoldina” ‘ve done a lot since. The panel, which advises the government, recommended in mid-April, to open the schools again soon, the day-care centres, but only to a very limited extent. That was the initial ignition for use. Horvath says, since you are dealing with families in the Corona have voiced time and again in a Rage.