Who wants to know how well Mexico in the Corona-the crisis hits, only needs to turn on every Morning at seven o’clock local time, the press conference, the President of López Obrador in the national Palace of Mexico city holds. The Virus? Tamed. The Infection Curve? Long ago flattened. Of Course? Better than in most other countries. At all: The Virus come as summoned, fits like a Ring on the Finger. “Vamos bien!”, so the Mantra of the head of state, “we are on a good way”.

Outside, in front of the Palacio Nacional, there is a different reality. In the hospitals of the capital region 1500 people at ventilation to fight these days hoses to your life. On the streets of Mexico city, Acapulco and Tijuana, die Infected, dismissed from a crowded hospital to the other. Within a few weeks, Mexico in the global Corona-statistics is shifted far to the front, with more than 16,000 deceased, it is now at 14. Body. In fact, experts and NGOs from three times as many.

Barely somewhere in the world, a case, a gap between the numbers and perceived reality are so far apart as in Mexico. Not only the government is an exercise in denial of reality. Also, large parts of the population do not want to have the Virus is true. In Chiapas, a Mob attacked a mobile ambulance station and set fire to the house of the mayor, convinced that the Virus was an invention. In a village in the Sierra of Oaxaca, the only doctor is chased out of the place, because he proved in the case of a deceased the Coronavirus. In Chihuahua, villagers fire on a cleaning vehicle in the Disinfect of the streets. It Raids and chlorine attacks on medical personnel are clustered, while well-attended wedding, and birthday parties make the rounds.

In the role of a jovial uncle

Instead of to fight the disease, many Mexicans their anger against their symptoms. Instead of the epidemic, they banished everything that reminds you of you. A collective cut-throat competition, headed by the President himself. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called AMLO, a gifted Populist, equipped with a fine feeling for the aspirations of the masses. In the Corona-crisis, he opts for the role of the jovial uncle who reassured his charges, he reads you a nice story.

While the curve of the Corona-rise of the dead exponentially, it is in the case of AMLO “flattened”, not “horizontally”. While the number of Infected doubles every fourteen days, repeated AMLO for weeks, the pandemic was tamed””. As in the whole of the city area, only in two hospitals ICU beds were free, he proclaimed before the assembled press, an Overflow of the hospitals had to turn away.

AMLOs popularity does not diminish. Despite a day of new Corona-record numbers of its consent values are far above sixty percent. Hand-in-Hand President, and trailers go to an alternative feel-good reality, to be replaced by facts and statistics.

Is Obrador, a juggler, of leading the people around by the nose? Or only a the piece, after which the audience demanded? The transmitter and receiver are located in a feedback loop from the Interaction of the perfect Illusion. The reasons for the consensual Hide the reality, it is worth looking at the culture and history of the country. Five factors come to mind: