For nearly twenty years, the Catholic Church is to be obtained (not only) in Germany from its past. Decades if not for centuries had can sexual violence perpetrators in the space of the Church feel so safe, like in hardly any other Segment of society: Not only the spiritual Power over people, you are allowed to let some of the clergy to the “Abusers” are. Their deeds were known, and they could count all too often at the leniency of their superiors. Many was located in the protection of the Institution of all, the protection of the victims and their families nothing.

When the Church today is considered one of the safer places for children, not only thanks to comprehensive preventive measures. Under Public pressure, those system ask theologians, and more and more officials of factors, which favour the exercise of sexual violence. “Clericalism” is not accurate. In essence, it goes to the sacralisation of Power and biopolitics, the veiled male gender order dominated as a godly creation.

What are the changes that come to the Church, does not want to become the sect, but also in the future as a Cultural force to be perceived, the Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing since Saturday in writing. Many of the reform processes that have been identified in and for his diocese as essential, exceed, however, the Power of an Individual, and he was still so brave.