this Sunday, the best riding in Frankfurt, Saarbrücken in the final of the German table tennis team championship against Ochsenhausen (from 14.00 PM and from 15.15 in the case of Eurosport), which has defeated Düsseldorf. Had to you and your colleagues make with 3:0 winning the semi-final game against Werder Bremen a Corona Virus Test?

With us in table tennis, there was no requirement to take the test. We were not forced to do so. But it was clear that a Test is done would have been, as soon as a player would have shown some symptoms. He would then be stayed until the clarification of the home. In contrast to the football or Basketball we are sports no Contact. And also, when Training, we always keep the required distance.

As a point, the game runs in Corona-times in table tennis?

We play always on the same page. There is no page break after each set. And after each set of all the balls and the table can be disinfected. In addition, I get thrown the Ball when I serve. The next ball will then be played definitely with a new Ball. The Ball will never be taken by both players in the Hand.

Under the current conditions, is played not double. There are four single Matches, a further fifth single. And spectators are allowed in the hall no. How do you deal with it?

I think it is good that the Sport can adapt to the measures to be taken. It’s totally fine that we’re playing no doubles. Otherwise, we would break for us. And as for the lack of spectators: In the Training, and before that, in an internal test competition, we have practiced ourselves a little bit more cheer. In this time, it is important to take that game in Hand. And our Bank has also made quite a good mood.